Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies
Polish Academy of Sciences
Section of Heteroorganic Chemistry
Polish Chemical Society
in cooperation with
Faculty of Chemistry
University of Łódź
Łódź Branch
Polish Chemical Society
take pleasure in announcing
XXI International Symposium
„Advances in the Chemistry of Heteroorganic Compounds”
which will be held in CMMS PAS in Łódź (Sienkiewicza 112) on 23 November 2018 (Friday).
The symposium is dedicated to
Professor Tadeusz Gajda
(Technical University of Łódź)
Professor Janusz Zakrzewski
(University of Łódź)
on the occasion of their 70th birthday.
Participation in the Symposium is free of charge.
The symposium program will include plenary lectures and poster presentations. The plenary lectures will be given by Professors:
Stefano Menichetti (University of Florence, Italy),
Peter Metz (TU Dresden, Germany),
Gyorgy Keglevich (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary),
Masaichi Saito (Saitama University, Japan),
Claudio Santi (University of Perugia, Italy),
Luca Sancineto (Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland).
Please forward information about this Symposium to your Colleagues and Coworkers.
Registration forms and abstracts for poster presentations should be submitted by 22 October 2018.
Head of Section of Heteroorganic Chemistry
Professor Piotr Kiełbasiński |
Chairman Professor Józef Drabowicz |